Senin, 20 Juli 2009

judulnya apa?

akhirnya speedy gw connect juga..

hari ini bener2 keselin deh speedynya. seharian ngedown terus, padahal tadi siang uda rencana mw nulis. jadi lupa kan gw ama apa yg mau gw tulis.. huh..
udahlah, lupakan..

btw, tadi untuk yg pertama kalinya, gw nonton bioskop premier di ex. asli, buat yg belum pernah nyoba, wajib banget buat dicoba. walaupun mahalnya amit2 (minggu pula..), tapi sebanding kok.. nyaman banget.. kursinya bisa ditidurin, ada selimutnya pula. tapi jangan mikir macem2 kalo mau mesum di sono, soalny kursinya jauh.. jangankan mw mesum, peluk2an aja susah.. wkwkwk.. bukannya gw uda nyoba sih, tapi logisnya aja deh.. wkwkwk.. lagian kalo gw mw nyoba, ama siapa coba? anjing gw udah gw balikin lagi ke induknya, n gw belum dapet yang baru.. maklum, hati gw masih tetep di anjing gw yg lama.. wkwkwk..

btw, mal2 di sini tetep rame aja y? kekny org2 uda pada pasrah kalo tiba2 jadi korban bom y? (amit2.. tok tok tok..) tp gw juga nekat c, di hari pengeboman ritz ama marriott, tetep aja gw pulang kuliah ke mal.. n yg terpatri di otak gw adl, kalo emang udah waktunya mati, mau kabur ke mana aja juga akhirnya mati. mau diem di rumah doang juga bisa mati. mati kesetrum, mati kehabisan O2, mati krn ledakan kompor, mati krn digigit kucing (emang bisa ya? wkwkwk), de-el-el. jadi daripada diem2 di rumah juga mati, mending ke mal. paling ga, matinya bareng2 org banyak.. wkwwkkwk.. sebenernya c, gw siap ga siap kalo harus mati skrg, tp kan kehidupan tuh bagaikan kontrak rumah. kalo kontraknya abis, ya harus pindah. bedanya, kalo kontrak rumah, bisa diperpanjang n qt tw kapan tenggat waktunya, jadi bisa siap2. tapi kalo kontrak hidup, ga bisa diperpanjang, n qt ga pna tw kapan tenggat waktunya abis. cape de.. -.-' wkwkwk..

oh ya, kembali soal anjing gw yg dulu..

sumpe de, gw kangen banget ama anjing gw itu.. habis anjing gw itu lucu banget.. beneran.. baek lagi.. sayangnya dy agak2 o'on gitu. tp justru di situ letak kelucuannya.. pingin banget deh, anjing gw itu jadi milik gw lagi.. tp gimana caranya yah? secara udah gw balikin ke induknya. n induknya itu ga di jakarta, tp di luar pulau.. kasi ide dong, gimana biar gw bisa memiliki anjing gw itu lagi.. soalnya gw saaaayang banget ama tuh anjing.. kalo bisa gw kawinin, gw kawinin dah tuh anjing sekarang.. wkwkwkw..

btw, udah dulu ah, capek tangan gw ngetiknya. pegel2 abis main wii.. wkwkwk..

nitez, all..

Rabu, 15 Juli 2009

if you believe - sascha

o iya, baru inget, tadi gw denger lagu, bagus deh.. judulnya if you believe. penyanyinya orang jerman. cuma yg gw heran, namanya sascha, tp kok suaranya cowo yah? hode kah? huakakaka..

ini nih liriknya..

I know it's not a game to play
Your eyes they show no fear
I burn inside and cannot wait to be
The man that feels your body close
is here to set you free
To hold you near and satisfy your needs

You shiver as I touch your neck
And slowly close your eyes
I can't resist you even if I try
We both surrender to the touch
As we lay there side by side
And everything around us disappears

If you believe in love tonight
I'm gonna show you one more time
If you believe and let it out
No need to worry there's no doubt
If you believe, if you believe,
if you believe, then let it out

As you run your fingers through my hair
Your lips come close to mine
The tension becomes more than I can bear
Then you wrap your arms around me
And I feel your every move
This feeling could now lead us anywhere
Now we leave the world behind us
This moment we both share,
just you and me, that's how it's meant to be
I never wanted you so much
I feel your every breath
as you gently whisper in my ear

pusing + demam.. again..

wah, udah lama juga gw ga posting yang bahasa indo. biasanya posting puisi2 lebay dlm bahasa inggris mulu.. hahaha..

hr ini kuliah jam 8, tp telat bangun, jadi nyampe kampus setengah 9. n ternyata dapet kabar kalo utsny gak jadi besok, tp diundur jd hari jumat. (untung..). 5 menit pertama, masih niat dengerin dosen ngomong, sampe bela2in nyatet segala. selanjutnya, kepala terasa pusing, pandangan berkunang2, n ga kuat, akhirnya jatuh tertidur di menit ke 15. untung dosennya ga marah. uu.. i luph u, dok.. wkwkwk..
jam 9, kepala makin berat, saking sakitnya kepala gw, sampe ga terasa kalo air mata gw keluar. akhirnya temen gw nyadar juga kalo gw sakit beneran, bukan akting doang. hehe.. n kata temen gw, mendingan abis ini gw pulang aja. azeeekkk.. jdnya setengah 10 dosennya keluar, gw minta ijin ke dosen yg ngajar setelahny buat pulang, dan dikasi.. o yeah..
sampe di rumah, langsung ukur suhu, ternyata demam lagi. pantesan dikasi ijin pulang.. hahaha.. ruz abis makan, minum obat, tidur. jam 1an, entah kenapa, tiba2 kebangun dengan kepala masih pusing. tp sempet2nya juga gw lihat hp. begitu lihat mantan gw sms, lgs bangun deh gw. pusing2 dah, tp biasanya kalo ngobrol ama dy, sembuh tuh. haha.. jdnya gw bangun, n smsan ama dy. n terbukti.. pusing gw hilang.. huahahaha... tw gitu kemarin minggu waktu gw pusing n demam, ga usah ke rumah sakit ye.. udah ke rumah sakit, disuruh cek darah krn dokternya takut kalo gejala DBD ato tifus, akhirnya keluar duit 500 ribu lebih. padahal udah dapet diskon dari kampus krn berobat ke rumah sakitnya kampus. mendingan 500ribu gw pake buat beliin pulsa mantan gw, biar dy sms n telpon gw terus tiap hari.. lebih instan penyembuhannya.. huahahahhaaha..

Senin, 13 Juli 2009


I love u more than sand on sahara
I love u more than water on Atlantic ocean
I love u more than stars in our galaxy
I love u with all of my heart

even I don't need ur permission
I just wanna love u
Doesn't matter if u just love me as a friend
just let me love u with all of my heart

ur always there in my heart
even though I don't want it
u've been engraved ur soul in my heart
n it'll lasting forever in my heart

even though u deny it
it was real
our love was real
n ur really really done that time
I fall into u n can't standing alone anymore

I need u, I want u
I miss u, I love u
I don't have any word to tell the world how much I miss u
how much I love u

but I can't tell u directly
I'm too scared for this
call me chicken, yes I am
call me stupid, yes I am


Rabu, 01 Juli 2009

miss u

I'm stupid, am I?
coz after all the shit u've put me through,
my heart still longs for u,
and every night I miss u more than every other day

so here I am
all by myself
thinking of you and no one else

There's a feeling inside
and as hard as I try
it just won't go away

I miss u most when I'm sad
I miss u when I'm lonely
But most of all,
I miss u when I'm happy

but I know this isn't funny anymore
I have got lots of things to do
but all I can do is think about u
miss u more than u ever know

If my heart had wings
I would fly to u
and lie beside u as ur dream

I miss u right this moment
I miss u when ur away
but I can never really miss u that much
because in my heart ur always stay there

another month, another year
another smile, another tear
another winter and summer too
but there will never be another u

we dated, we explored
we loved, we went our separate ways
but I still love and want u with all my heart

ur my love, ur my soul
through the pain and tears,
the hopes and fears,
u came into my life and took away the tears,
but at the day u go away, my tears keep running down again

I may never get to see u as often as I like
I may not get to hold u in my arms all through the night
but deep in my heart I truly know ur the one I love and can't let u go

for me, meeting u was fate
becoming ur friend was my choice
but falling in love with u was beyond my control
and having my heart ripped out wasn't part of the plan

and now I realized
that the reason it hurts so much to be away from u
is because our souls are connected
and I always hope, not only our souls are connected
but we can together forever again for real too